
Friday 6 July 2012

Encouraging the reluctant reader

Reluctant readers, especially boys, have been in focus this week starting with the National Literacy Trust's report from the Boys' Reading Commission which found that the gender gap is widening and 76% of schools are concerned about boys' underachievement in reading. Michael Morpurgo picked up this theme in a blog post for the Guardian Teacher Network in which he says "The truth is, when it comes to the enjoyment of reading, we are failing far too many children and boys in particular" and then comes up with seven suggestions to deal with this. There's a lot in it about teacher education and the role of libraries and librarians with which I heartily concur. Follow the links to find out more - you can add your own suggestions for books to encourage reluctant readers to the Guardian's ongoing debate here.

In the spirit of Michael Morpurgo's remarks about libraries, I also recommend you look at the University of Strathclyde Library's pages on reluctant readers and books for boys.

PS 9/7/12 Just discovered a useful blogpost, Here come the boys, from the Literacy Advisor (Bill Boyd) which has a lot of useful suggestions to add.

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